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“산들바람 불자 들꽃들이 피어나고,
한 무리 초록 물고기들이 헤엄쳐 지나가고,
노을을 등에 진 새들이 둥지로 날아들고…
나의 작품은 작지만 아름다운 정원을 품고 있다.”
- 금속 공예가 노인아의 작업노트 중에서-

Arise evermore with reminiscence of
my youth and my experiences in the nature:
An ancient river;
A shade tree;
A river's evening rendezvous with the sunset;
A small kerosene lamp accompanying a deep night's parting;
A lone blossom of an evening primrose somewhere in the prairie;
An everlasting longing;
An old promise;
A small boat's meet with a point on a river bank;
My foot prints along River Kum;
Somehow a wider sky from the river-shore;
A silent man's realization of grief;
A river soaked in a spring's rain.
-Among artist's notes-

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